Sunday, February 14, 2016

What to Do (and Not Do) If You Are Injured In New York

Firstly, and most importantly, if you have been injured we wish you a speedy and full recovery.
Even when a collision appears to be relatively mild or inconsequential it is always wise to file a police report.  What may appear to be of no future worry, and frequently does, change.  Additionally, insurance companies often require an official document if you need to file a claim.

If injured, obtain appropriate medical attention as soon as possible.  Don’t shy away from an ambulance to the emergency room or a visit to a medical provider.  Better to be overly cautious, lest someone suggest that you were not injured even though you chose the security of your home.
It is very common to experience some level of confusion, if not shock.  Better to be proactive than reactive.  Most cell phones now come with a camera.  Take photographs.  Ask people who may have witnessed the incident for their contact information.

Report the matter to your insurance company as soon as practicable.  Do not speak with any other insurance company, even if the other company is the same as your company.  They are not on your side, and they do not have your best interest as paramount.
Be mindful of the fact that some filing deadlines can be extremely short.  Any attorney should always be consulted with as soon as possible.  Best practice is to speak with an attorney before speaking with any insurance company.  Good luck.