Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Distracted Driving

Elder Care

Bikers, Walkers Threatened By Increase In Distracted Driving

April showers have given way to May flowers, encouraging walkers and bicyclists to get out and enjoy the weather. Long walks and leisurely bike rides can be a perfect way to soak up the sun, but busy streets with distracted drivers can be an accident waiting to wreck a lovely day. Unfortunately, when drivers are distracted, pedestrians and bikers often pay the price. This month, you should know how to keep yourself safe while you enjoy the spring season.


An estimated 6,000 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in 2016, an 11 percent increase from 2015.


Are You Texting, Talking or Rockin’ While Walking?
Join the Moment of Silence campaign and stash your phone while crossing the street.

Teens 50% of All Child Pedestrian Deaths

Traffic deaths are up 6 percent since 2010, pushing U.S. road fatalities to the highest level in a decade. However, the percentage increase in pedestrian deaths is far outpacing those on the road, jumping 25 percent from 2010 to 2015. Walkers on smartphones, bicyclists ignoring traffic rules – coupled with distracted driving – are a deadly combination.

Teens, who are much more likely to walk distracted with a mobile device, make up 50 percent of all child pedestrian deaths. Our recommendation: Spend a few minutes together with your kids and the tips in this newsletter!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

“The Spirit of America”

National Nursing Home Week (“NNHW”) is May 14 -20, 2017.  This year skilled nursing care centers will unite under the theme, “The Spirit of America”.   In harmony, the bond between staff, volunteers and residents will be recognized.

NNHW was established by the American Health Care Association (AHCA) in 1967.  It begins on Mother’s Day and provides an opportunity for residents and their loved ones, and for staff, volunteers, and surrounding communities to recognize the role of skilled nursing care centers in caring for America’s seniors and individuals living with disabilities.