Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Betrayal of Elderly Financial Abuse

The Betrayal of Elderly Financial Abuse

In New York, Anthony D. Marshall was convicted of stealing from his elderly mother, philanthropist Brooke Astor. Marshall told police how he conspired with his mother’s lawyer to change her will in his favor and took millions without her knowing while she wasted away in her home. Marshall and Astor’s lawyer were sentenced to one to three years in prison for these terrible crimes against Marshall’s mother.

Protecting the Elderly and Vulnerable
Financially abusing the elderly is “the ultimate betrayal,” according to Colleen Toy White, a superior court judge in California who sees around 40 cases of elder abuse a month. “It’s shocking to see how vulnerable the elder person is,” White told reporters covering the case.

Elderly financial abuse or fraud committed by neighbors, friends, employees and relatives is heartbreaking. Financial abuse can be devastating, and experts say it is likely to increase due to the poor economy and a growing elderly population. These crimes are largely out of the public’s eye, due to elderly citizens not recognizing when abuse is happening or are too embarrassed to talk to someone about it.

If you or a loved one are elderly and have suffered financial abuse, contact our Bronx County nursing home attorney toll free at (877) 699-1152 for a free and confidential consultation, or visit our website to fill out our online form. Our offices serve Bronx County, Rockland County and the entire Hudson Valley. Our attorneys provide traditional office hours, with after-hours by appointment. We will also take on-site meetings.