“You Should Know” Risk and Prevention GuideOpiate Drug Abuse, Deaths Soar Along with Drug Company Profits
High-profile stories like these are waking up all Americans to an exploding public health crisis. Overdose deaths from prescription opiates have quadrupled since 1999, claiming the lives of an estimated 165,000 people. At the same time, sales of these prescription drugs have also quadrupled, generating record profits for drug companies. Wading through the dangers of addiction while also dealing with serious pain can be an overwhelming challenge. You should know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from those who may have profits – not your well-being – as their top priority. Investigate further here >>> | ||||||
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The heroin addiction that eventually killed Cameron Weiss started when the 18-year-old was prescribed painkillers for a wrestling injury. Jennifer Weiss-Burke, Cameron’s mother, is now hoping to change state laws and prevent tragedy for others. View video. |