Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Medical Malpractice Insurance Profits Continue

9 years and counting; medical malpractice insurance companies continue to make profits.  As well they should.  We live in a capitalist society and these companies are in business to make money.  Lots and lots of money.
Just when they are disingenuous, or worse, that is wrong.  For example, claiming that there is a "medical malpractice" crisis in this Country.  There own reporting proves this is a canard.

“The report also states that while it isn’t possible to quantify the benefits of tort reform on claims frequency and severity, caps on non-economic damages, restrictions on joint and several liabilities, affidavits of merit, non-admissibility of apologies, shortened statutes of limitations and reductions in vicarious liabilities, these do not appear to have had a positive impact in the various states that have adopted these reforms (emphasis supplied).”