Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Four Steps to a Food-Safe Thanksgiving – and Beyond

Four Steps to a Food-Safe Thanksgiving – and Beyond

That post-Halloween sugar high is finally burning away, which means pre-holiday meal planning can begin! Gathering around the family table to share food is a treasured rite of the holiday season, but a trip to the emergency room with food poisoning shouldn’t be on the dessert menu.
Don’t let a case of salmonella or E. coli poisoning ruin your festivities. Read ahead for tips, tricks and recipes to make your holiday meal celebrations healthy for everyone.
Let’s get cooking.  >>>
1 in 6
Roughly one in six Americans will suffer from a foodborne illness this year. 
The minimum internal temperature for safely serving a turkey is 165°F. Use a meat thermometer to take the temperature at three locations: the thickest part of the breast, the innermost part of the wing and the innermost part of the thigh.
Perishable foods can grow illness-causing bacteria within two hours when left out. Make sure to refrigerate leftovers right away.

Recipe for Disaster

Preparing raw meat on the same surface as produce? A big no-no! Make sure you separate your food. View video.

Food Safety in the College Dorm

Are your kids coming home for Thanksgiving dinner, or will they be stuck nuking ramen at school instead? Either way, here are tips on how to avoid foodborne illness while living in a college dorm. View video.

Deep-Fried Turkey or Dangerous Fireball?

If a traditional brined bird isn’t for you, maybe you’ve got a deep-fried turkey in mind. If you go that route, watch this demonstration for what NOT to do.  View video.

Avoid Thanksgiving Disasters

Everyone remembers a Thanksgiving disaster, from exploding turkeys to dessert-eating dogs to carving a finger along with the drumstick. Here are a few of our favorites with some timely advice on how to recover as gracefully as possible.
Tell us your story too!

Food Safety Talk

If you’re interested in learning more about food safety, download an episode or two of this biweekly podcast from two food science professors.
Listen now
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